Tartlets nih untuk my bestest fren Liza for her kunyah2 dlm keta on her way back to Kelantan. Really simple le. Ada story sebenarnya. My fren nih woke me up at 7am (haiipp, jgn pikir bkn2, ai dh mangun pukul 5.50am and sedang cont. mensiput atas katil smula). and oh, she asked 'weii, tart aku dh siap ka?'
OMG, ai betoi2 lupa tp still bangun dgn jayanya (bluffed, coz my eyes were still smokey, head pon dizzy lagi). So, trus la buka fridge and kuarkan cream cheese segala. Actually tak charged pape pon sebab kitorang barter je (dia bagi ai her marvelous nasi lemak with anchovies sambal and black pepper beef rendang)...really heavenly (yg nih x tipu)...okies, hepi viewing!